Intern Insights: Half Time

We are quickly approaching the middle of winter. Honestly, it is half over and that is a wonderful thing. As a congregation, we have made a few plays prior to the snow slowing us down, we have gone into the huddle when the wind began to blow and we scored a few points when Rev. Sean made sure that our members were all safe by cancelling several services. But we have made it through the first half and we are getting our breath back and headed for the final half. Thank you for braving the cold and the snow, thank you for understand when we have to cancel a service and thank you for coming to church when you can.

The other part of this half time is my internship. It seems hard to believe but I am half way through my internship here at Tree of Life. I am so grateful that I have been allowed this time with the congregation, the staff and Rev. Sean. I have been spending this time working on and preaching sermons, visiting people and learning from the committees. Every part of what I do on a daily basis is helping me with my formation and I have all of you to thank. My internship ends on June 1st which seems like it is such a long time away, a time when the sun will be shining, the birds will be playing in birdbaths and there will be no slippery spots on the road, but that is only four months away. During the second half of my internship I will continue to do the things I have been doing and hopefully will be getting better at all I am doing here at Tree of Life.

3 Responses to “Intern Insights: Half Time

    1. You’ve certainly scored big with this congregation!! I, for one have enjoyed the times we have had to run plays. It’s been an honor and pleasure to be playing on the same team. ;). Hope you get a contract with another team real soon!

  1. Jay, we have only been coming to the church for three months or so. We love your sermons and they hit home in our hearts every time. You will be missed deeply here but we will enjoy each service until we have to say goodbye! Keep up the good messages!

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