Compassion for Campers, the program that provides supplies and gear for the McHenry County homeless who have no steady shelter, has announced a revise schedule of distributions for the remainder of the cold weather months. The program is going to once a month service instead of every two weeks in February, March, and April.
According to Compassion for Campers coordinator, “After discussions with our great volunteers and in recognition of the difficulties we have in reaching the homeless population we aim to serve, all distributions will be held at Warp Corps, 114 North Benton Street in Woodstock, which is both centrally located and has existing contacts and relations with the homeless community and the social service agencies that serve them.” Client access to Warp Corps will be from the rear entrance on Jackson Street.
Distributions will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5 pm on the following dates—February 16, March 16, and April 13.
Clients will be Covid-19 screened with a temperature check and standard screening questions. No one failing the test will be turned away but we will ask what they need and supplies will be brought out to them. All clients are required to be masked before entering the building and a mask will be provided to anyone who does not have one. Clients will be admitted one at a time and no more will be allowed inside at any time than the location can safely accommodate with correct social distancing. At the conclusion of the distribution all remaining supplies will be packed for storage and the host area will be cleaned and disinfected.
The Compassion for Campers warm weather outdoor program will resume in May at church sites and will probably resume rotating between Crystal Lake, Woodstock, and McHenry. More information on that will be forthcoming.
Compassion for Campers is grateful to the Faith Leaders of McHenry County, volunteers from Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, and Warp Corps for their invaluable support.
Volunteers are still needed to help with the distribution, especially younger folks in good health. Contact Patrick Murfin at pmurfin@sbcglobal.net or phone 815 814-5645 if you are available on Tuesday afternoons. Donations can be made by sending a check made out to Tree of Life UU Congregation, 5603 Bull Valley Road, McHenry, IL 60050 with Compassion for Campers on the memo line to the church. The donations are placed in a dedicated fund and not used for any other purpose. Tree of Life also donates all of the administrative expenses of the program.
Compassion for Campers is the brain child of two Tree of Life UU Congregation members, Lisa Jacobsen and Sue Rekenthaler and is a ministry of Tree of Life.