Congregational Conversations

There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

Ask: “What’s possible?” not “What’s wrong?”  Keep asking.
Notice what you care about. Assume that many others share your dreams.
Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.

~Margaret Wheatley, from “Turning to One Another”

Dear Friends,

As 2014 begins, your Board would like to start with you a “conversation that matters.” More than one conversation, actually. And it’s not that we haven’t been having some of those already. The Board’s increased visibility, thanks to Sue McCowin’s creative “wardrobe enhancements” such as neon fedoras and sequined ties, seems to have led to increased congregational contact, as some of you have shared your questions, concerns and ideas with us during coffee hour.

Now we’d like to extend and open up those conversations. Over the next five months, Rev. Sean will be preaching about elements of our statement of purpose: Freedom in faith; Spiritual growth; Celebration of diversity; Commitment to Action; Devotion. On the last Sunday of each month, members of the Board (along with, at times, members of various committees) will gather during coffee hour with any and all who wish, to share information, hear your ideas and opinions, and consider together how these aspects of our statement of purpose inform our decision making.

Our first Congregational Conversation will be Sunday, January 26. The Board will share an update on the financial health of the church, and field your questions and ideas. As the January theme is “Freedom in Faith”, members of the Worship Arts Committee will also be on hand to hear what you think about the format and content of Sunday worship. It is my hope that in the coming months, all of you will join us in having “a conversation that matters.”




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