As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that learning is a never-ending process. Whether you are new to the congregation or have been attending for a while, we want to offer you the opportunity to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and more about how the congregation works (Sometimes it’s just nice to know who does what.)

But as they say, every journey starts with a single step. So please start your journey by considering attending one of our Inquirers sessions after the service.  Each session last about one hour and gives you a chance to meet various congregational staff and leaders.

We offer one of nine sessions each Sunday and they repeat throughout the year. You may take the classes in any order so jump in any time. A congratulatory gift is given to all those that finish all the sessions.

We offer multiple paths to membership. One path is to finish the Inquirers series. If you have had membership previously at another UU congregation, we invite you to transfer your membership by speaking to our membership development chair or membership assistant. For youth that have completed the Coming of Age program and are 16 years or older, you may become a member after speaking to the membership development chair or assistant. We can also offer custom paths to membership. Please contact the membership development chair or assistant to craft your path.

So what does membership entail? Here is our definition of membership according to our bylaws.


Section 1. Eligibility

Membership in TOLUUC shall be open to all who seek its fellowship and who support and share in its work. Membership shall be contingent upon the completion of the process established by the Membership Development Committee (unless membership is being transferred from another Unitarian Universalist congregation).

Section 2. Responsibilities Members are expected to attend the services of TOLUUC, to contribute regularly to its financial support by making contributions of record, and to participate in its programs and projects.

Marc Stettner, Membership Development Chair

Judy Stettner, Membership Assistant and Office Administrator