Date(s) - 04/04/2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Draft Charge for Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation Finance Committee
January 27, 2021
Purpose: The Finance Committee of Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation (TOLUUC) is to be the standing committee committed to overseeing the health, long-term planning, and implementation of TOLUUC’s finances in coordination with the Board of Trustees.
Tasks: The following tasks shall be considered the major ongoing tasks of the committee.
- Oversee financial safeguards including, but not limited to, office structures, audit schedules, and bank signature officers.
- Recruit and give charge to a pledge captain by February each year (this is based on a FY of July to June.
- Submit a proposed budget to the board for endorsement based on the purpose, mission, and vision of the congregation by May 15th each year.
- Oversee implementation of staff benefits in accordance with the purpose of the congregation, budget restrictions, and recommendations of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Create a long-term capital expenditures assessment every five (5) years and create financial structures to provide planning necessary to protect the congregation from budget gaps or loss of facility value.
- Provide opportunities to the congregation to cultivate generosity as a spiritual practice.
- Coordinate financial planning with The Board of Trustees, Dream Team (fundraising team), Endowment Committee, and other stakeholders.
Makeup of the Committee: The following roles are recommended for the health of the Finance Committee.
- Current Treasurer, chair of committee and board representative
- Past Treasurer
- A member of the Dream Team
- A member of the Endowment Committee
- Office Administrator or equivalent
- The Minister- ex officio
- Past Pledge Captain
The Committee shall consist of no less than 5 members. The Committee should meet at least once a quarter and report to the board and make an annual report to the congregation.
To attend these meetings, contact the office for link.