Date(s) - 05/06/2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Plant Sale & Swap
Saturday, May 6, 2-4pm
Donations of plants will be accepted between 1 and 1:45 on Saturday, May 6. If you are splitting plants, thinning plants, or have extra seedlings from your own efforts, please consider sharing them. Please mark your plants with their category from the list below, their name as you know it, and any other info that will fit. We will have labels available at drop off. Every cast-off earns you an entry into a drawing for a door prize and also helps our service trip volunteers!
Plants categories: Pollinators, Fruit and vegetables, House plants, perennials, and annuals. Please label your plants with their name and category.
*Plants and sizes will vary
*Proceeds of plant sale will defray travel costs for our courageous volunteers who are heading to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in June to work on the reservation for a week.
Plant sale volunteers needed!
Set up: 12-1pm
Intake: 1-2pm
Sale: 2-4pm
Take down: 4-5pm
Let Heather Madaus know if you can help.