Soup for the Soul Potluck and Hot Chocolate Bar

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Date(s) - 02/25/2024
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation


On February 25th, join us for our Soup for the Soul Potluck and Hot Chocolate Bar!

Bring a crockpot of soup, bread or crackers, dessert, or any soup accompaniments. The Fellowship Committee will be providing hot chocolate and an assortment of toppings.

We will be welcoming our guests from the Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregation!

We have an outdoor activity planned, so wear your snow boots and warm attire! We will be “painting” the snow along Bull Valley Road with messages of love. Then come inside to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate.

There will be an indoor activity as well (for those who choose not to play outside or if there is no snow) to help us get to know our PCUUC friends.

Contact Lora Cantele ( for more information and to volunteer for set up/clean up help.

Note: the service that day will begin at 10am to accommodate our PCUUC guests

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