Date(s) - 02/11/2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
UU Theology is a 6-session introduction to theological concepts
through a Unitarian Universalist lens. Each session asks: What does
our Unitarian Universalist tradition teach about this theological
concept, and how does that help me clarify and act on my own beliefs?
UU Theology is the first step on the Faith Forward Advanced Path, and
is designed for those who have attended some or all of the Faith
Forward Core Path offerings (Inquirers Series, Roots, Beyond
Inquirers, Spiritual Practice, UU History 101, and UU Elevator
Speech). You are encouraged to participate in UU Theology as a series,
attending all the sessions, in order to get the most out of it. Join
us on Thursday Evenings at 7pm from January 14th until February 18th in
Zoom Room:870 8414 7030 Password: 5603 . Rev. Jenn will be
leading this class. The following is the UU Theology schedule:
January 14th What is Theology?
January 21st What Are God and Spirit?
January 28th What is Our Purpose?
February 4 Who Are We?
February 11th What Are Our Sources?
February 18th What Saves Us?
For more information about our Faith Forward Path, go to Adults – Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation (