Youth Religious Education

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Date(s) - 05/08/2022
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm


Religious Education for children and youth is offered through Zoom. Click here to attend on Sundays at noon.

Our one-room classroom Zoom brings our students into the broader conversations presented by Soul Matters monthly themes at age-appropriate levels that seek to include challenging questions for K-12th grades.
February 20: “Widening the History we Tell” In the telling of U.S history, many of the stories about African Americans were overlooked or deliberately ignored. In this session, we will discover several figures in history whose stories deserve to be told.
Feb 27th: “Widening the Circle of Patriotism” is about how our fifth principle, “use of the democratic process” and our faith fits into the workings of the U.S. We explore the pros and cons between protecting individual rights and building a community in which shared knowledge, common values, and mutual support are responsible for the success of all.
March 6: “Renewing Faith in Promises” We reflect on how UUism uses covenanting to renew our faith. We trust and hope that our actions will be governed by the promises we make in our covenants.
March 13: “Renewing Faith in Ourselves” Each person has gifts inside of themselves. Some have the gift of making people laugh. Others have the gift of being a good listener. Still others have the gifts of working hard or persistence. These are gifts which you can trust because they are in you. They enable you to renew faith in yourself. They remind you that you can rely on yourself in challenging times. Our religion reminds us that we have inherent worth. Part of what this means is that we have the strength and gifts within us to help others and help ourselves. So when it comes to renewing faith, our faith clearly tells us, “Practice trusting our gifts.
March 20: “Renewing Faith in Each Other” We can join forces for the common good. Our faith teaches us that, together, we have the ability to change the world. Remembering this power that arises when we unite in common cause is a great source of hope. It is comforting to remember that we don’t have to go it alone. But looking to those beside us and those who have gone before us, we gain confidence that “yes, we can!”
March 27: No RE Spring Break
April 3: No RE Spring Break
April theme: Awakening

May theme: Nurturing Beauty
 For more information, contact our Director of Religious Education, Heather Madaus
 or text to 815-509-7862. To register your student  click here.

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