Hello All Members and Friends of Tree of Life,
We all had a great time with the Auction in the fall and now we are looking to more fun in the spring with a big church rummage sale. While rummage sales can be a lot of work, they can be very profitable, a service to members and the community, and great fun for the whole family. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to make this event one we will want to do every year. Here is how you can help:
- We need everybody to donate good, clean, working condition items. This is a great opportunity to de-clutter and know it is going to a great cause. 10% of the proceeds are going to be donated to a local charity. The rest will be used to support our congregation.
- We need you to sign up to help sort, price, and sell all the great items. There is something for the whole family to do here. Everybody who puts in 4 or more hours before the sale begins can pick out an item of their choice to purchase before anybody else can.
We need folks with trucks, pickups, or vans to help pick up items from people who cannot bring it to the church themselves.
So when is all this going to happen, you ask? Here is the time line:
- Sunday April 26, 2015 Noon to 5pm: Drop off Rummage, Set up tables and racks, sort items, and pick up large items as needed. Lunch will be served to all staying to work. We need lots of help on this day.
- Monday April 27, 2015 9am-7pm: Rummage sorting and pricing. The more the merrier.
- Tuesday April 28, 2015 9am-7pm: Rummage sorting and pricing. The more the merrier.
- Wednesday April 29, 2015 9am-5pm: Rummage pricing.
7pm-9pm: Members and Friends only Night with Ice Cream Social
All items will be available for double price (kids pay regular price) - Thursday April 30, 2015 12pm-7pm: Open to the public at regular price.
- Friday May 1, 2015 10-5pm: Open to the public at regular price
- Saturday May 2, 2015 10am-12pm: Large items ½ price or $5 a bag
12pm-1:30pm: Large items ½ price or best offer, $5 a bag.
1:30pm-finish: clean up and get ready for Sunday. Lots of help needed.
To sign up to help, see Judy Stettner (Rummage Queen 2015) at church or call Judy at (815)893-0232 or email stettner.judy@gmail.com
Beware! Judy has some rules about your donations so open up the attached documents.
We will be home April 26 and can help for a few hours on Monday,Tuesday , and Wendsday. Our plans for the rest of the week are iffy but we’ll let you know as soon as possible if we are available .