Social Responsibility
Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice committee keeps the congregation informed of justice issues in our community and the world. We offer educational programs and action opportunities. Serving on the Social Justice Committee is an excellent way to put the UUA principals to work! The Social Justice Committee meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM at the church. Come join us! Please contact Judy Stettner or Janet Burns for more information.
Green Sanctuary
Our congregation received Green Sanctuary certification from the Unitarian Universalist Association in May, 2011. The Green Sanctuary Program, originally nurtured and managed by the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, was designed to give roots and wings to the vision that, together, we can create a world in which all people make reverence, gratitude, and care for the living Earth that is central to our lives. Voluntary participation in the Green Sanctuary Program provides a framework for congregations and congregants to proclaim and live out their commitment to the Earth.
Unitarian Universalists for Reproductive Justice
The Reproductive Justice Subcommittee’s mission is to advocate and promote reproductive justice through action, dialogue, education, support and coalition building in our communities. Based on Unitarian Universalist principles, as liberal faith-based men and women, we recognize the inherent worth and dignity of each person, the right of conscience and self determination. We believe that reproductive autonomy is the basis of each woman’s ability to participate in society as an equal. For additional information, please contact Irene Raven.