Rachel Naomi Remen has written, “Hidden in all stories is the One Story. The more we listen, the clearer that Story becomes.” What is our experience with this “One Story?” Has your hidden story been heard? Do you ever hear your story in the words of others? This Sunday TOLUUC members explore the joy of listening to our shared stories and shared Life.
- Speakers: Janet Burns and M.E. Tanabe, Lora Cantele, Maureen Skuban, Irene Raven, Ted Funn, Elizabeth Young
- Worship Leader: Jesse Bowen
- Chalice Lighter: Janet Burns
- Story for All Ages: Sue McCowin
Our service will be online at 10:45am. Instructions for attending the online service are below. After the online service we will have coffee hour breakout rooms for social time and then Inquirers for newcomers.
We conduct our services live on the Zoom platform to allow for a more interactive experience. You will need to have the free Zoom app on your device and have it updated to the latest version. www.zoom.us
Problems with Zoom? You are in Zoom but can’t hear anything? You can hear but you can’t see? You can’t open the chat to get help? During Sunday services, you can call or text 815-669-0403 and a member of the tech team will try to help.
Use this link to join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 847 0286 6562 Passcode: 929464
Did you miss this service? You can watch it here
Topics: Autobiography, Beloved Community, Deep Listening, Holding History, Story
We look forward to seeing your services.