Soul Matters at Tree of Life: Being a Community of Creativity
Within the order and design of nature the experience of life and change is constantly unfolding around us — Nature and Life continually flow in acts of creation. And every sound or movement you make enters the world as part of that flow. Just by being alive you impact all that’s around you and when you act with intention, the possibilities are unbounded in what may unfold through you. You are hard wired to be creative — it is a natural impulse within you. Imagine, what an amazing force of creativity you are!
Bringing the idea of creativity into a philosophy of faith in action, Matthew Fox has organized and teaches Creation Spirituality. —
“Honoring all of creation as Original Blessing, Creation Spirituality integrates the wisdom of Eastern and Western spirituality and global indigenous cultures, with the emerging scientific understanding of the universe, and the passion of creativity. It is both a tradition and a movement, celebrated by mystics and agents of social change from every age and culture. It is also the tradition of the historical Jesus himself since it follows the wisdom tradition of Israel.”
To use our human acts of creativity in alignment with the balance of all life, Creation Spirituality encourages a mindful, and respectful approach has guideline principles: s The universe is fundamentally a blessing. s Through the work of spiritual practice we find our deep and true selves. s Every one of us is a prophet. s Every one of us is an artist. s Every one of us is a mystic. s Diversity is the nature of the universe. s Ecological justice is essential for the sustainability of life on Earth.
For creativity to serve and benefit the order and balance of nature and life, it’s important that we grow a mindful awareness of the impact of what we are creating. To be effective creators, paying attention and reflection are handy tools to develop
The May Soul Matters packets offer materials to explore the meaning and possibilities of “creativity” – as we consider how we experience it in our lives and how it is a part of our experience in community. The Soul Matters resource packet can be accessed here. If you need a printed copy, please feel free to take one from those available in the fellowship room or ask for a copy, if they have all been taken. You might also like to consider joining a chalice circle to share your insights and hear what others are saying.
Wishing you joy in community,
M.E. Tanabe