Soul Matters at Tree of Life – Liberation

As we are surrounded by the chaos and alien atmosphere of the unfolding pandemic, much of the life we know is either in lockdown or heavily under siege.  At this point we’ve barely entered the tunnel of unknowns and we are nowhere near to seeing the light at the end of it.  We are physically confined …..and  maybe times like this call for letting our spirit test its wings.

Speaking to this possibility is the poem, With This Time, by Emma Zeck,  and offered here as an excerpt:

          ……What if we became curious with this free time,

& had no agenda other than to experience being?

What if you created art for the sake of creating?

What if you allowed yourself to rest  &  cry  & l augh

&  play  &  get curious about whatever arises in you?

What if our true purpose is in this space?

As if mother earth is saying:  we can no longer carry on this way. 

The time is now – I am reminding you who you are.  Will you remember?

          The April Soul Matters packets offer materials to explore the meaning and possibilities of “liberation” –  to reflect on how we can experience it in our lives and how it is a part of sharing in community.   We use this theme for worship and for faith formation in our RE program and chalice circles.  The Soul Matters resource packet can be accessed here.   Unfortunately, for now there are no printed copies to hand out but if you are receiving this online, we’re hoping you can read or download the packet from the link.

May we all be sheltered in the heart of community,

M. E. Tanabe

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