Click Here to Join our virtual service each Sunday at 10:45am

We will be offering our virtual services using teleconferencing software. To learn more, . You will find the link to to our virtual Sunday worship below. Services start at 10:45am but we suggest you log in at 10:30am to get settled in our virtual sanctuary.
The technology is not scary. It is free and easy to use. Click here to view a quick video tutorial for using from your computer.
If you are going to use your smartphone or tablet, you will want to go to your app store and download the app first. Click on the appropriate store below.
You will first land in our waiting room for us to admit you to the service. Once you are in virtual service, we will do a little housekeeping where we show you where things are so you can get the most out of the service. We will have you muted and will probably keep you muted for most of the service to cut down on background noise so everybody can hear the service.
Meeting ID: 847 0286 6562
Passcode: 929464
If you just want to listen by phone you can also call using the number below. You will need to to find the meeting id.
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
If you are outside the Chicago area you can .