Lou Ness has joined the Pastoral Care team at Tree of Life. Lou, ordained in the Episcopal Church as a deacon in 2005 has 15 years of training and formation as a chaplain, completing 2 ½ units of Clinical Pastoral Care (CPE) at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge and serving as a police and fire chaplain for the city of Rockford. Her ability to “be with people,” and offer a ministry of presence during times of painful transitions will support the members of our church.
Lou holds a Masters in Mediation and is a certified Organization Relationship Systems Coach (ORSCC) through the Center for Right Relationship. In addition, Lou is trained in and has experience in Crisis Intervention Stress Management (CISM). Lou is available for hospital calls, in-home calls, funerals. memorial services and other duties related to pastoral care.
Lou has spent 10 years responding to 24-hour emergencies and is willing to offer her support to Tree of Life as we work our way towards selecting a Minister. You can contact Lou 24 hours a day at 815-404-7246 or through email at – lou@livingforwardllc.com.