Friday, June 5th 9:30 – 10:00 Chair yoga (weekly)
Saturday June 6th 9:30 – 10:00 Flow yoga (weekly)

Beginning June 5th and 6th, Cynthia Allen will be offering weekly yoga sessions — enjoyable and streamlined, and to which you can drop in at any time. Each session will be 30 minutes with 20 minutes of exercise and a short time for centering and saying hello. Held online through Zoom, Cynthia’s former students may also be attending, so this will be a great opportunity to meet new people as well!

The Chair Yoga will use gentle and slow movements designed to improve range of motion and balance. The exercises will be accessible; please wear comfortable clothes and have a stable chair.
The Flow Yoga movements will shift between standing and floor postures and the practice will be designed to recharge body and mind. Please wear comfortable clothing and have either a yoga mat or socks/shoes that grip the floor.
Cynthia started attending TOLUUC earlier this year. She teaches in the Exercise and Sport Science Department at Carthage College and is an American College of Sports Medicine-certified personal trainer and a Level 1 Yogafit instructor.
She earned her Ph.D. in human nutrition from Kansas State University, her M.S. in exercise and sport science from Colorado State University, and her B.S. in physical education from Utah State University. A native of Utah, she joined the Carthage faculty in 2004.
Zoom links
Friday Chair yoga
Meeting ID: 942 2513 2017
Saturday Flow yoga
Meeting ID: 937 4905 4565
Please e-mail Cynthia at or text (262)321-1673 with questions or if you need help accessing the on-line class.