Topic: Play

Playful Faith, Joyful Pride

Play is an important practice in many faiths. Play is also a part of pride. What role does play offer for our spiritual practices? Speaker: Rev. Jenn Gracen Worship Leader: Carol Alfus Chalice Lighter: Lorna Wolff Reader: Ivy Sitokski Music: Billy Seger Our Second Sunday offering will be given to Youth and Family Services Center … Continue reading Playful Faith, Joyful Pride

With a Playful Spirit

As everything continues to shift around us and the country starts to emerge from the heaviest shadows of COVID how can we approach these changes? Speaker: Rev. Jenn Gracen Worship Leader: Ron Relic Chalice Lighter: Paul Krieg Special Music: Cassandra Vohs-Demann Hymn: Billy Seger After the service we will had our Annual Congregational Meeting. Did … Continue reading With a Playful Spirit