Topic: Transformation

Rise Up! It’s a New Day!

This multigenerational worship service will celebrate each day as a new beginning and as a holy day. Through story, poetry, and song, we will acknowledge and recognize the beginning of the Eastertide season, the International Day of Trans Visibility, and reflect on celebrations local and global.

Celebrating our Growing Edges

The growing edge is that space of possibility between what is and what is not yet. Join Chaplain Dave and Tree of Life in celebrating and exploring that space of active hope and transformation in our lives, our congregation, and our community.

Making Change

For this month’s theme of transformation, Tree of Life members explore some big questions.

Widening the Circle of Love

Join Chaplain Dave in exploring lessons on love and liberation from bell hooks, Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, the Revolutionary Love Project of Valarie Kaur, and our own UU call to liberating love.  

A Transforming Power

We are powerful beings, responsible for creative co-creation of the world. What does this power offer us? We will have coffee and treats after the service. Did you miss this service? You can watch the sermon here

Walking the Path

We all have a spiritual journey. For some of us that means we have left another tradition to find our way to UUism. Others are life long UUs even during times of struggle. How can our spiritual autobiography help us understand the beauty and complexity of the path to our center? After the service enjoy … Continue reading Walking the Path

Moments of Bliss

Unexpected, transformative, transcendent. Timeless… and yet, terribly, wonderfully brief. Moments of Bliss. Unique and personal – and yet wonderfully worth sharing. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister raised in the Midwest, transplanted to New York (near the source of the Susquehanna.) After 15+ years serving as a parish minister and interim minister, … Continue reading Moments of Bliss

Sacred Disruptions

Do we see the people and things that interrupt our carefully ordered days as unwelcome irritations? Or can we see them as sacred disruptions? We are invited to look around us with new eyes, recognizing the holy in our midst. Our welcome back to our pulpit as a guest speaker this Sunday Rev. Mary Dicken. … Continue reading Sacred Disruptions

General Assembly Sunday Morning Service

Our Sunday morning service was the service conducted for General Assembly 2021. Recognizing the importance of shared ministry and the many innovative approaches to worship created by congregations during the pandemic, UUA President, Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick Gray, selected the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis to serve as worship leaders for this year’s GA Sunday Morning Service. … Continue reading General Assembly Sunday Morning Service