Our Governance
Unitarian Universalist congregations are governed by a democratic process within each congregation. At our annual congregational meeting, held in June of each year, the Members of the congregation elect a board of trustees. One must be a Member in Good Standing to serve on the board. The Board is tasked with ongoing planning, policy-making, and goal-setting to implement the congregation’s purpose. The Board works together to ensure the ministries, programs, and facilities of the congregation work in service to its mission and long-term sustainability. The Board also works in collaboration with the Program Council, committees, and staff to put vision into action.
The Program Council is made up of the chairs of standing committees and they meet to collaborate and communicate with each other and a board representative for effective programming and scheduling.
We kick off our church program year with a COW (Committee of the Whole) retreat to set the calendar and work on year long initiatives. The COW is made up of The Board of Trustees, Program Council, and key staff members.
Additional information on our governance can be found in Our Bylaws. Questions regarding our governance can be directed to our board president at president@treeoflifeuu.org