It takes many hands to create a vibrant community. We welcome your participation. Some help is needed on a one time basis -like with our Spring Cleanup or fundraisers. Other opportunities occur on a monthly or ongoing basis.
Sound Board & Tech Team
The Worship Arts Committee is always looking for volunteers to operate the soundboard during our weekly service or be on our Zoom tech team for our online services. If you are interested in learning how to operate the soundboard or provide Zoom tech help, please contact the office to schedule a training session or to sign up for Zoom tech. If you have been trained on the sound board and would like to volunteer, please choose an available date here.
Ushers welcome attendees to the sanctuary, hand out orders of worship, help seat those needing assistance, assist with the offertory and passing the microphone for joys and concerns. Ushers are also responsible for counting the offertory after the service. They are part of our Welcome and Security team. If you would like to serve as an usher (usually once a month) please contact Randy Meyer or the office. We currently need online ushers to help admit people to the worship service on Zoom and monitor chat and microphones.
Visitor Aide
Our visitor aides greet all attendees on Sunday morning with a friendly smile at the front door and assist visitors. We are known as a friendly congregation and this team plays a big role in that. If you would like to serve as visitor aide, contact Marc Stettner stettner.marc@gmail.com or the office. We currently need Zoom visitor aides to reach out with a friendly greeting in the chat.
Brew Crew
Coffee is the life blood of any Unitarian Universalist congregation and we couldn’t have Coffee Hour without it. The Brew Crew is trained on how to make coffee before the service so it will be ready for coffee hour and to run our commercial dishwasher for clean up after. To get trained and serve in this vital role once a month, contact Annette Jasiota or the office.