Recently, in worship services in each of our congregations, I have included reading # 457 in our Grey Hymnal, written by Edward Everett Hale, an American author, historian, and Unitarian minister.
I am only one,
But still I am one.
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse
to do the something
that I can do.
We can each do something. Here are just a few of the things going on locally and regionally that you may be interested in, as well as organizations you may wish to connect with if you are not familiar with them already. If you know of events or organizations that I have not included on this list, please let me know and I will share additional resources as I learn of them.
Political Advocacy and Involvement
UUANI (UU Advocacy Network of Illinois) Legislative Advocacy training from 7:00 to 8:15pm on Wednesday Feb 19 (zoom) To register: Meeting Registration – Zoom
ICIRR (Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights) advocacy days in Springfield Advocacy Days: Feb 26, Mar 20, April 10, May 22
UUANI (UU Advocacy Network of Illinois): UUANI
Indivisible Illinois: Home | Indivisible Illinois
Support of the Immigrant Community: Know Your Rights Trainings
Know Your Rights Trainings, which focus on understanding legal rights when ICE arrives at a person’s home or workplace, are available in-person and on-line. Attending in person has the added benefit of meeting like-hearted people and networking.
Here are a few local options and resources:
Youth and Family Center of McHenry- Know Your Rights training on Monday Feb 17 at 6pm Non Profit Organization – Youth and Family Center of McHenry County
Mano a Mano Family Resource Center (Lake County) – Rapid Response
McHenry County College: Immigration Workshop Series: Know Your Rights | McHenry County College
Support of the Immigrant Community: Organizations
Here are some organizations to follow, support, or become involved with:
Youth and Family Center of McHenry (right down the road from TOL) and one of TOL’s shared plate organizations: Non Profit Organization – Youth and Family Center of McHenry County
Mano a Mano Family Resource Center (Dave and Fran Bates of PCUUC are volunteers) and one of PCUUC’s shared plate organizations:
Illinois Migrant Council. A statewide organization founded and located in McHenry County. They work with any new arrivals in McHenry (and throughout the state) and also have a Crisis Response Team in McHenry County: Illinois Migrant Council
National Immigrant Justice Center A national organization that has headquarters in Chicago. TOL member Randy Rapp was one of the original founders of the organization and is still on their Board: Home | National Immigrant Justice Center
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR): A statewide organization, providing support throughout Illinois is the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
These and other local, regional, and statewide organizations serving the immigrant community can be found here: IDHS: List of Community Service Agencies Serving Immigrants
Support of the Immigrant Community: Rapid Response Team
ICIRR has a statewide network of Rapid Response Teams. New teams are being formed in both McHenry and Lake County. If you are interested in learning more or becoming involved, contact me (Chaplain Dave) and I will help you connect.
Support of the LGTQ+ Community: Upcoming Trainings and Events
The Spiritual Work of Trans Justice & Safety (workshop/training)– Saturday Feb 22 10-3:30 in person and online. More info in our newsletter and here:
Saturday March 29- Tree of Life UU Congregation at 7pm- Welcoming Congregation team is showing the documentary film Major! about a powerful and beloved Black trans woman elder and activist. More info available from the Tree of Life Welcoming Congregation Team and watch the Tree of Life Happenings newsletter.
The LGBTQ+ Center of Lake County let Tamara Wanshek of the PCUUC Welcoming Team and PCUUC Social Justice Team know about the following event in Grayslake:
- March 30 (Trans day of Visibility) at noon on the corner of 45 and 120, a pop-up protest (many across the state will be doing similar pop up protests.)
Support of the LGTQ+ Community: Organizations
LGBTQ+ Center of Lake County– One of PCUUC’s share plate organizations and the director Krystal Larsen is a regular speaker at PCUUC Home – LGBTQ Center Lake County
Woodstock PRIDE– Organizers of Woodstock PRIDE Fest (and so much more) Woodstock Pride
Youth Outlook– Regional organization dedicated to support of LGTQ+ youth, children, and families Youth Outlook | Dedicated to the support of LGBTQ+ youth
Equality Illinois- Statewide LGBTQ+ Rights and Advocacy Organization Equality Illinois – Equality Illinois
PFLAG – National ; Illinois Homepage – PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois
A McHenry County chapter meets at Tree of Life.
We cannot do everything,
But we can each do something.
Let’s embrace and hold close those most vulnerable in our congregations and in our communities.
Let’s find ways to reduce harm where we can.
In faith, in community, and with great hope and gratitude,
Chaplain Dave