Topic: Centering

Now What?

Each day seems to bring rapid changes, in our congregation, in our UU denomination, and in the world around us. Join Chaplain Dave and our Tree of Life UU Congregation as we name and reflect on these changes, and re-center ourselves for the journey ahead. After this service, all are invited to stay for coffee … Continue reading Now What?

Becoming Real

Brene Brown says “vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.” It is hard to be vulnerable, to be authentic, in a culture that calls us to be anything else. What are the challenges and gifts of vulnerability? We will take a special collection for Jail Brakers. After the service enjoy enjoy a potluck lunch … Continue reading Becoming Real

More Than A Dream

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is most commonly known for his “I Have a Dream Speech.” In what ways have we avoided hearing the real message of his life and ministry by focusing on soundbites? How do we avoid finding our center by focusing on sound bites in our own lives? After the service enjoy … Continue reading More Than A Dream