For the past three years, I have used most of these posts to introduce our Soul Matters themes, the words and phrases that bring us together as Unitarian Universalists with a shared focus for the month. The months of July and August do not have a theme. Instead, congregations are entrusted with finding their own direction for worship, learning, and service during the summer months. This seems fitting, as this is also the time when I am leaving my ministry with Tree of Life, entrusting you with the tasks to come in the next stage of your congregational journey.
In keeping with the professional standards of Unitarian Universalist ministry, I will be maintaining distance from you over the next couple of years. This means I won’t be communicating on social media, by phone, or by email. And if we happen to encounter one another in public or at a UUA function, I’ll de delighted to greet you, and I won’t discuss any Tree of Life business. This separation is necessary to move out of our ministerial relationship and to allow the congregation to move into its next stage.
But despite our separation, you will be in my heart and on my mind. The relationships we’ve formed over the past 3 years are part of a much bigger picture that we will continue to paint together from afar – a vision of a just, peaceful, loving world reflecting our shared UU values. Something I love about being part of this faith tradition is that we are not going it alone. We are united in common purpose with other UUs across the country and around the world. And in that sense, you and I will always be doing ministry together.
In Season 6 of Doctor Who, the Doctor says “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.” Thank you for holding hands with me for this part of our journey. Continue to hold one another. There’s much more to explore.
Blessed Be,
Rev. Jenn