Author: Admin

July 21–Letting Go–Carol Alfus

17th century Jesuit scholar Baltasar Gracian said “The best skill at cards is knowing when to discard.” Knowing when to discard, or let go—of possessions, ideas, or old hurts–is a challenge we all face. Join Carol Alfus in considering ways of “Letting Go.”

July 7–We Are the Web–Lou Ness

Join Lou Ness for a conversation about how accountability and responsibility in a consumptive world occur as counter cultural. Discover the ways in which we are all part of the fabric of life, weaving and threading our acts in ways that touch the other.


We discovered early Thursday, June 26th that the Nursery and Religious Education Classrooms downstairs had been flooded by at least ten inches of water. Much of the furniture, flooring, and drywall will need to be removed and replaced. We are scheduling professionals to come make sure that the rooms are dry and to remove any … Continue reading Flood!

sUUmer Camp

June 10 – 19 We’ll be offering a UU Summer camp. Each day of camp will feature one of our Unitarian Universalist principles and will include a variety of activities and games. Kids from church and kids from the larger community are welcome!

The Minister’s Mind: Joy

The word of the month for June is “joy.” What a wonderful word for our community to ponder! The funny thing about joy is that you can’t make it happen. You have to discover it. It’s as if joy is shy—it waits to be discovered, it doesn’t usually jump up and shout, “Hey, look at … Continue reading The Minister’s Mind: Joy

Annual Congregational Meeting

We will be holding our duly called meeting of the congregation after the service this Sunday, June 2, 2013. Only members are allowed to vote, but everyone is welcome to attend and to join the discussion. Agenda Items include: Election of Board and Officers Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-14 Vote on the … Continue reading Annual Congregational Meeting

You Are Welcome Here

You are welcome here no matter your age, your size, the color of your eyes, your hair, your skin. You are welcome here no matter whom you love, how you speak, or whatever your abilities. You are welcome here no matter how you arrived, With others or alone. You are welcome here whether you come … Continue reading You Are Welcome Here

June 30: To Be of Use

There is a deep joy in being useful, being of service, and being part of creating community together. Join us as Rev. Sean explores the joys of service.

June 23: The Cathedral of the World

“One Light Many Windows”–This powerful metaphor that provides an anchor for our Unitarian Universalist faith is found in a sermon and writings of the preeminent UU minister and theologian of our generation, Forrest Church.