Soul Matters at Tree of Life: Being a Community of Abundance
Almost always the way we think about our abundance is colored by our perceived circumstances contrasted with our perceived needs. This month’s Soul Matters packet encourages us to look for what we appreciate in our lives in or order to give some “weight” to what is already available to us
When we take care to find what has value for us, the realization also carries a natural gratitude. From our sense of abundance and its accompanying gratitude is a visible line connecting us to our generosity –with our time, our goodwill, our creativity, and our material goods. With that in mind, I’d like to offer a paraphrased excerpt from Kahlil Gibran’s poem on Giving.
“…there are those who give and do not feel loss in their giving, nor do they seek fulfillment, nor are they thinking of their virtue; they give as blossoming trees breathe fragrance into space. Through the hands of such givers, the Divine speaks…… ….although some say, I will give, but only to the deserving, the trees in the orchard and the flocks in the field believe otherwise: they give so that they may live; for them to withhold is to perish.
….reflect on your ability to be an instrument of giving – for in truth, it is life that gives to life. While you think of yourself as a giver, you are only a witness….”
This month may we come together as a community in exploring the meaning of “abundance” – as we think about ways to experience it our lives and as we work to see it manifested around us. “Abundance” is the theme for our worship services. The resource packet can be accessed here. If you need a printed copy, please feel free to take a copy from those available in the fellowship room (or ask for a copy, if they have all been taken). You are also invited to join discussion through one of our Chalice Circles – you can find details about these circles here and there are also flyers next to the other packets.
Wishing you joy in community, M.E. Tanabe