January 4, 2015 10:45am
Rev. Sean Parker Dennison
Sometimes when things go wrong, we feel like it’s the end of everything. But many things have to be broken in order for a new cycle to begin. Maybe being broken is part of being whole.
January 4, 2015 10:45am
Rev. Sean Parker Dennison
Sometimes when things go wrong, we feel like it’s the end of everything. But many things have to be broken in order for a new cycle to begin. Maybe being broken is part of being whole.
Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I plan to visit the 10:45 service this Sunday (1/4). I expect to bounce back and forth for a while until I find my niche, but I have been curious about UU for some time. But enough for now! I’ll see you Sunday. 🙂
I took the liberty of editing out the personal info you shared, since comments are public. –Sean