Category: From the Board

From our Board President

Beloved community,  We talk often at Tree of Life about how much we value the community we build here. But we are also part of the wider Unitarian Universalist world, one that shares our core values of spiritual growth, nurturing a diverse community, and acting to create a more just world. I believe that being … Continue reading From our Board President

News from Board President

Dear friends, You may be wondering, “What’s going on with the minister search?” I’m excited to tell you that it’s going quite well. Our search team put together a wonderful profile of our congregation that has been posted on the UUA Minister Search Jobs Board, and the Prairie Circle team has done the same. Our … Continue reading News from Board President

COVID-19 and TOLUUC: September 2021 Update

The COVID team has been tasked by the Board of Trustees to guide recommendations regarding official church activities, including in-person services and meeting of church-sponsored committees and groups. The COVID team is composed of three members: a medical doctor, a nurse and a social worker. All three of the COVID team have experienced dramatic changes … Continue reading COVID-19 and TOLUUC: September 2021 Update

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, June 6, 2021

According to our bylaws and in keeping with our 5th Principle, the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large, we will hold our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 6th at noon. All friends and members of the congregation are encouraged to attend with … Continue reading Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, June 6, 2021

Staff Changes in Works

Considering the religious education needs of the children and familiesof our congregation as we move forward through both the transitionprocess of an interim ministry and the uncertainties of the pandemic,and in recognition of the outstanding service Heather Madaus hasprovided to our religious education program over the past several years,the Board decided to ask Heather if … Continue reading Staff Changes in Works