Category: News

Conference Announcement

CAUUC Spring Conference (in person and online) CAUUC stands for Chicago Area Unitarian Universalist Council Date:  Saturday, April 13   9am-2pm  Location: Unitarian Church of Evanston and Zoom Fee:  Free, recommended donation $15 Welcoming Congregation Renewal: The Work of Welcome is Never Done The UUA Welcoming Congregation program came about in the late 1980s in response … Continue reading Conference Announcement

Get Support

Grief Support Group will be offered to members and friends from Tree of Life and Prairie Circle congregations who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Because you asked…

Over the past week I have received many inquiries about activist Valarie Kaur and the video clip of her speech from a 2016 Watch Night service that I included in our Tree of Life worship service on Sunday January 28th.