Category: News

Messy Church is now UUnchurch

Our daily schedule is also changing so we can squeeze in extra exploration! 

5:30pm Leftover Potluck

6:00-7:00pm Activity time

7:00pm-7:30 Circle of Trees Worship  

7:30pm [Holding this time for our Faith Forward sessions. Coming soon- Spiritual Practices]

Documentary Viewing

“No Time to Fail” gives a behind-the-scenes look at the work that went into holding an election amidst a pandemic and highlights election workers’ importance to our democracy. Please join us for a sobering look at how we can make democracy work.

2023 Trunk or Treat and Dance Party

Announcing the return of the annual Trunk or Treat and Dance Party!

Co-sponsored by the Fellowship and Faith Exploration Committees

Mark your calendars (ink and pencil are great; save the blood for Halloween!)

Friday, October 27

6pm Trunk or Treat

7pm Dance Party

8pm Campfire (bring your instruments and voice; s’mores fixins’ will be available)

Get to Know Us

Faith Forward Inquirers is a nine session series of gatherings to help you get to know Tree of Life UU Congregation and Unitarian Universalism