Finance Committee Meeting

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Date(s) - 09/07/2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The finance committee meets monthly to be the standing committee committed to overseeing the health, long-term planning, and implementation of TOLUUC’s finances in coordination with the Board of Trustees. 


Tasks: The following tasks shall be considered the major ongoing tasks of the committee. 

  • Provide opportunities to the congregation to cultivate generosity as a spiritual practice.  
  • Oversee financial safeguards including, but not limited to, office structures, audit schedules, and bank signature officers. 
  • Recruit and give charge to a pledge captain by February each year (this is based on a FY of July to June. 
  • Submit a proposed budget to the board for endorsement based on the purpose, mission, and vision of the congregation by May 15th each year. 
  • Create a long-term capital expenditures assessment every five (5) years and create financial structures to provide planning necessary to protect the congregation from budget gaps or loss of facility value. 
  • Coordinate financial planning with The Board of Trustees, Dream Team (fundraising team), Endowment Committee, and other stakeholders. 

Makeup of the Committee: The following roles are recommended for the health of the Finance Committee. 

  • Current Treasurer, chair of committee and board representative 
  • Past Treasurer 
  • A member of the Dream Team 
  • A member of the Endowment Committee 
  • Office Administrator or equivalent  
  • The Minister- ex officio 
  • Past Pledge Captain 

The Committee shall consist of no less than 5 members. The Committee should meet at least once a quarter and report to the board and make an annual report to the congregation.  

We generally meet online. If you are interested in attending our meeting, please contact Janet Burns for login information.

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