From Sam Jones, Director of Religious Education
We have enjoyed a spectacular Fall this year. The weather and the colors have been the reason for many pictures and activities. The Fall season always stirs up fond memories of leaf collecting, coloring and pulling out warmer clothing, warm foods like soups and stews and enjoying the spectacular panorama that nature can sometimes offer. Of course Halloween occurs during this time and that contours up fond memories of sweet delights. It is a time to start going within and going in (the house that is). We sometimes find ourselves spending more time separated rather than together as a community, which is why one of our goals is to create a closer knit all-ages community. One of the ways in which we hope to achieve this is by having regular, fun, all-ages gatherings. We hope to see many people taking advantage of these offerings as they come available. Stay aware of our church communications for details or you might miss some community FUN!!
Speaking of going in, our “one room classroom” model has been working nicely, we have gotten to know each other better and have had some fun in the process. We have had several new families regularly attending church and that’s always a good thing.
Speaking of activities, one of the goals in Religious Education and church as a whole has been to do things that strengthen our relationships with each other, things that create community. One of the activities towards that goal was our Playing In Color gathering. At least a dozen people, stayed and had pizza followed by coloring. The coloring page choices were plentiful as were the colored pencils, markers and crayons. We enjoyed relaxing to conversation and coloring. Next time we just might add soothing, ambient music to add to the quieting of our minds. Next on our agenda is Laughter Yoga facilitated by one of our intern ministers and me, this will be a fun way to actively ‘de-stress’ and have a good laugh in the process. Following are some of the benefits of Laughter Yoga. If you are at least a bit curious and looking for a new experience, join us on November 15th from 12:15-2:15.
Easy and fun exercise for health and happiness
Reduces Stress Instantly, strengthens immune system
Keeps you in good mood and cheerful throughout the day
Oxygenates your brain and makes you feel more energetic
Keeps Positive mental attitude in difficult times
Other plans in the works are as follows, so please mark your calendar and make room in your lives to come together as a community for fun and connection. Hope to see you at one or all of these upcoming events.
Mindfulness Practice- with Julie Gibson, December 6th from 12:00-2:00
Folk Dancing From Around the World- Gail Wells, February 21, from 12:30-2:30
Good old fashioned SOCK HOP- Bruce Weiss, March 5th from 6:30-9:30
Further details and reminders will be published in the Happenings and Bulletins as the dates get closer. These are ALL AGES activities. Nursery care can be provided as requested for those under 3 years old if that is needed.
Let’s all put aside our troubles, worries and stresses of our lives and just have some FUN with each other!!!