Leadership Link May 27, 2022

Greetings Beloved Community!
We have several things to share with you this week. 
The Board met this Monday to review our COVID guidelines

  • We are pleased to let you know that we are dropping the pre-registration requirement to attend in-person services. We do ask, though, that you sign in when you arrive, and that you let us know if you test positive for COVID during the week following the service so that we can notify others who attended of their possible exposure. 
  • We are raising the number of people allowed to attend the service in person to 46. 
  • We continue to recommend that everyone who attends wear an N95 or KN95 mask and will provide a mask if you need one.  
  • We are also delighted to return to hosting in-person coffee/social hour after the service! We will have our first social hour outdoors onJune12th. We will need some extra volunteer support to make this happen. Please contact Rev. Jenn if you’d like to help. 
  • We are working on including live in-person music in our services. We are looking for both instrumental and solo or small ensemble vocal music at this time. Please contact Rev. Jenn if you’d like to participate.

Our Annual Meeting is coming up next Sunday, June 5

  • The meeting will be held on Zoom immediately following a shortened service, so we encourage you to participate in the worship service from home if you plan to attend this important and necessary meeting for conducting the business of the congregation. 
  • We will be voting on our budget, new board members, and our revised mission statement. A full agenda will be emailed separately. 
  • Based on feedback from many of you, the Mission Team has presented a revised proposed mission statement: At Tree of Life UUC, we nurture a community that welcomes diversity, supports the spiritual growth of its members and acts to create a more just society. The Board supports this mission and is excited about the possibilities it offers to guide our community into the future.

 In Community,

Rev. Jenn and Sue McCowin

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