Notes from the President

From The President, Carol Alfus

For those of you curious about what was discussed at the most recent Board meeting, you’ll find “Items of Note” in two places: on the Board Board in the Social Room, and on our website. In these notes I do my best to summarize the discussions from our Board meetings. If you have questions about anything you read, don’t hesitate to ask me or any other Board member (And if you can’t remember who they are, you’ll find their pictures are on the Board Board, too!)

Also, I want to let you know that directly after the service on Sunday, January 18, we will resume our Congregational Conversations. Grab a cup of coffee and join us in the sanctuary. We’ll be sharing what we learned from the recent Ministries Feedback survey, and talking about the upcoming pledge campaign.

Items of Note
Tree Of Life UUC Board Meeting, December 16, 2014

Shopping card sales                                                                   

Paula Yensen presented her thoughts and a document she prepared entitled “Ethics in Fundraising.” Paula spoke to the Board to voice her objection to the inclusion of Walmart shopping cards in the fundraising cards we offer. Paula expressed her view that Walmart business practices are not aligned at all with the value we as UU’s aspire to and say that we are committed to following. The board had a very short discussion after Paula’s presentation and will engage the stewardship to consider how to move forward on this request.

Architect contract                                                                     

Randy Rapp and Annette Jasiota have been in communication with the architect regarding our current contract. While there has not been progress to moving forward with the building, the church has spent a lot of time and money, and Randy recommend we keep the contact open. Randy also recommends we keep Annette as our point person with the architect to remain in contact 2 or 3 times annually.

TOL Hiring Policy

Randy Rapp, on behalf of the personnel committee presented TOLUUC hiring policy. Some changes to the language were made, and the policy was approved.

Ministries Feedback responses

There were 26 responses. Many people said they valued Sean’s sermons, his leadership, vision and creativity. The work of our committees, especially the Community Care Committee was widely praised, and people were pleased with the variety of activities available at TOL. The area of growth for Sean that was most frequently expressed was increased interaction with members on a more personal level. For the congregation as a whole, the two areas of growth that were most frequently mentioned were more financial support, and wider participation in the work of the church from more of the membership.

Pledge campaign

The Board will provide direct support and be the voice for the 2015 pledge campaign. The idea is that Board members will include testimonials during worship announcements and guest appearances at pledge socials.

Staff bonuses

Rev. Sean reported that the staff bonuses were much appreciated. Sam Jones sent a thank you card to the Board.

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