Lessons from Starlings on Giving Life the Shape of Justice

If you missed this service, you can watch the sermon here.

Flocks of starlings are known for their beautiful and synchronized movements known as a murmuration. What lessons might we learn from these murmurations about life, about community, and about movement for justice? Join the Tree of Life and Prairie Circle congregations, our choirs, and Chaplain Dave in lifting up life and shaping justice.

Chaplain Dave Becker, UU minster and interfaith chaplain, is pastor for Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation and for our sibling congregation, Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregation in nearby Grayslake. He can be reached at minister@treeoflifeuu.org or 779-444-0450.

  • Speaker: Chaplain Dave Becker
  • Worship Leader: M.E. Tanabe
  • Chalice Lighter: Sue McCowin
  • Accompanist: Cameron Sass
  • Music: TOLUUC & PCUUC Choirs

After the service, we invite you to stay for fun activities, hot chocolate bar, and a potluck lunch centered around soup for the soul. Please note, this service will take place at 10am rather than our usual 10:45am.

To Attend in Person

In accordance with CDC guidance, masks and vaccination are optional. We will ask you to sign in with your contact information for possible contact tracing. We ask you let us know if you find you have a COVID infection within a week of attending a service. 

To Attend Online

We conduct our services live on the Zoom platform to allow for a more interactive experience. You will need to have the free Zoom app on your device and have it updated to the latest version. www.zoom.us

Use this link to join us on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 847 0286 6562 Passcode: 929464


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