Archives: Services

Interconnection of Land Stewardship and Spirituality in Native America

Our speaker, Gina Roxas, will delve into the deep connection between land stewardship and spirituality within Native American communities. Highlighting how traditional teachings and practices influence sustainable approaches to caring for the land, emphasizing the spiritual significance as a living entity. Through storytelling, we can understand the role this connection plays in shaping identity, fostering … Continue reading Interconnection of Land Stewardship and Spirituality in Native America

The Tale of the Story

The category of ‘story’ is not one thing but varies depending of diverse factors. Myth is a story but is not the same thing as a legend or fairy tale. A theatrical play tells a story but is not the same as a religious ceremony that reenacts a story. History can be turned into a … Continue reading The Tale of the Story

Life Maps

From the moment we are born we enter a world of stories. As we grow we hear about our individual story, family stories that may go back several generations, the cultural and historical stories from the regions in which we are born and our faith stories that underpin much of all of these. We spend … Continue reading Life Maps

Sharing Presence, Embracing the Future from home (online service)

On the cusp of a new year, the earth, and all the life it carries, is hurtling through space and into an (as yet) unwritten future. We write that future with our unfolding moments — all strung together. Gathering together, with readings and music, we will share presence and reflect on our relationship with change. … Continue reading Sharing Presence, Embracing the Future from home (online service)

Beginning Again

Tricia believes in living a life grounded in 3 simple steps: Being here now, counting our blessings and practicing gratitude – living on purpose AND responding moment to moment AS Harmonic Well BEings. Let’s start this new year together – by co-creating sacred space, remembering who we are. As is usual, Tricia will share some … Continue reading Beginning Again