Archives: Services

Trekking Home

What if our own sense of home makes someone else feel left out? Rev Pam will open a conversation around what we can do personally and as a congregation to widen the circle and make that space of home for all seekers on the journey.  Using stories from Sci-Fi genre – she’ll invite us to widen our imaginations and see ourselves and others with new eyes.  

Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

We will not have any in person service on Sunday, June 25. Instead we invite you to join thousands of UU around the world to view the Sunday service at General Assembly online.


On July 2, let’s Ramble together through the mystery called our lives and discover new ways where connection waits for us.

The Quest Continues

At Rev. Jenn’s final time in our pulpit she will share a reflection about where we have been over the last three years and offer us tools for our journey into the future. After the service, we invite you to enjoy coffee hour and social time online. Did you miss this service? You can watch … Continue reading The Quest Continues

A Transforming Power

We are powerful beings, responsible for creative co-creation of the world. What does this power offer us? We will have coffee and treats after the service. Did you miss this service? You can watch the sermon here

The Creative Container

What encourages creativity to flourish? Join us for this service that makes rules fun. Following this shortened service, we invite you to a discussion of the proposed budget. Coffee and treats provided. You can watch the recording here.

4th Friday Vesper Service

Nurturing a Creative Spirit 4th Friday Vesper Service Friday, May 26, 2023, 7:30-8:15pm Join our celebration of the spirit of creativity. Through readings, poetry, music, and singing, we’ll honor its gifts within us and within community. We hope to nurture the sparks of the heart’s inspiration and to support the heart’s creative acts that bring change, transformation, … Continue reading 4th Friday Vesper Service