Renewing Our Democracy

The fifth principle of Unitarian Universalism is “The Right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large”. What does it mean to have this as a central part of our religious tradition?

  • Speaker: Rev. Jenn Gracen
  • Worship Leader: George “Kaz” Kazlusky
  • Chalice Lighter: Judy Sowinski
  • Special Music: One Voice by the Wailin Jennys – Performed by Annette Jasiota, Carrie MacDonald & Lynn Schauble. Accompanied by Cassandra Vohs-Demann
  • Story for All Ages: All People Need a Vote

After the service, we will have coffee hour, Inquirers for newcomers with Rev. Jenn, and religious education for our children and youth.

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