Small is Powerful, Small is Bold, Small is Beautiful

The poet, writer, and activist adrienne maree brown draws lessons from nature to articulate an approach for social justice activism, an emergent strategy of change. She encourages us to see the connection between the large and the small, the large in the small, and emphasizes “small is good”. Join Chaplain Dave and all of us at Tree of Life UU Congregation in an exploration of small as powerful, bold, and beautiful in our lives, within our congregations and communities, and in our movement toward justice.

Chaplain Dave Becker, UU minster and interfaith chaplain, is pastor for Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation and for our sibling congregation, Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregation in nearby Grayslake. He can be reached at or 779-444-0450.

  • Speaker: Chaplain Dave Becker
  • Worship Leader: Leah Mikkelson
  • Accompanist: Cameron Sass

After the service, we invite you to stay for coffee and conversation. We will offer an orientation for newcomers.

Did you miss this service? You can watch the sermon here

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