Water is Life

Our In-gathering and Water Communion Service always marks the start of our church year. We celebrate coming back together by pouring out water that represents our summer experiences or symbolizes our relationship to water. We pour together water collected from a special occasion, to honor a meaningful experience, or to celebrate community. This ceremony represents how our time spent apart is now reconnected, as once again we pour ourselves into shared community. All are invited to bring water and water to pour will also be available for those who don’t have.

  • Speakers: Worship Arts and Religious Exploration Leaders
  • Worship Leader: Andra Galicia
  • Music: Lilith Ransburg and Choir

After the service we invite you to join us for a potluck lunch and conversation.

Did you miss this service? You can watch our Water Communion Here


2 Responses to “Water is Life

    1. Hi Sarah,
      Sorry for the late reply. You should be able to see the recording right on this page as a YouTube video. Are you still having trouble accessing it?

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