This month while looking for an image to represent wholeness, I kept running across the Zen Buddhist enso – like the one pictured here with this blog. According to Wikipedia, these Japanese circles symbolize “absolute enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void.” Although there are a myriad possible meanings implied with the enso, when the circle is created with an opening, like this one, it usually symbolizes that the circle (and endeavor) is part of a larger whole and it also encourages the understanding that space is needed to continue growing towards perfection. When seen from this symbolism, wholeness is both a work in progress and also part of the Life that makes space for it to unfold and be recognized.
I’d like to share 2 quotes from this month’s Soul Matters packet
We don’t really know our own wholeness until we see the wholeness of another or work to serve wholeness in our world. Wholeness, a sense of our own fullness, a spiritual realization of our own strength and beauty, is given when we give of ourselves… We heal our own aches by healing the aches in others. We put back the pieces of our own souls by helping others redeem their own wholeness. — Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. — Rumi
The April Soul Matters packets offer materials to explore the meaning of “wholeness” – as we consider how we experience it in our lives and how it is a part of our experience in community. We use this theme for worship and for faith formation in our RE program and chalice circles. The Soul Matters resource packet can be accessed here. If you need a printed copy, please feel free to take one from those available in the fellowship room or ask for a copy, if they have all been taken. You might also like joining a chalice circle to share your insights and hear what others are saying – there are chalice circle flyers in the fellowship room with information about this program.
Wishing you joy in community,
M. E. Tanabe