Beyond the Water’s Edge

Speakers: Joan Javier-Duval, Mykal Slack, Benjie Messer

Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience is open to the public. Rev. Joan Javier-Duval will deliver the sermon at the 2020 General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship. She serves as Minister of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, VT. She is the daughter of immigrants from the Philippines, mother of a kindergartener, and spouse of a proud Vermonter. Beauty, gratitude, and love are at the heart of her faithful striving for collective liberation and a thriving planet.

The worship service will include a collection for the Tomaquag Museum, an indigenous museum featuring an extensive collection and archive of Southern New England tribal communities. Donate now.

Use this Link to watch the service live at 9am or anytime after 1pm.

Order of Service

“Beyond the Water’s Edge”

These are uncertain and volatile times. These are times that call on us to work towards our collective liberation while also tending to our spiritual needs and caring for others. How do we ready ourselves for what is being asked of us? How do we keep moving even when we don’t feel ready?

  • Gathering Music
  • Honoring the Land and Welcome
    Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
  • Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting
    Rev. Joan Javier-Duval and Rev. Mykal Slack
  • Opening Song
    “We Are…” by Ysaye Barnwell
    GA Virtual Choir directed by Benjie Messer
    Soloist: Dr. Ysaye Barnwell
  • A Message for Us All
    Rev. Mykal Slack
  • Offering
    Tomaquag Museum
    Testimonial from Lorén Spears, Executive Director of the Tomaquag Museum
    Flute music by Ridge E. Spears
  • Meditation and Prayer
    Rev. Mykal Slack
  • Responsive Music
    “Deep River” trad. African-American spiritual
    Philip Rogers, Nivek Anderson
  • Reading
    adapted selection from Three Dreams in a Desert by Olive Schreiner
    Clyde Grubbs, Aja Davis, Yuri Yamamoto
  • Anthem
    “Tomorrow” by Kate Miner
    GA Virtual Choir
  • Sermon
    “Beyond the Water’s Edge”
    Rev. Joan Javier-Duval
  • Closing Song
    “Keep On Moving Forward” by Pat Humphries
    Emma’s Revolution
  • Benediction
    Rev. Joan Javier-Duval

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