This country was founded on another. Native Americans were systematically pushed out of their homes and off their land. How do we move forward and also face our history?
- Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Gracen
- Worship Leader: Carol Alfus
- Reader: Julie Huddle
- Land Acknowledgement: Janet Burns
- Chalice Lighter: Whit Sears
Our service will be online at 10:45am. Instructions for attending the online service are below.
After the online service we will have coffee hour breakout rooms for social time until noon.
We conduct our services live on the Zoom platform to allow for a more interactive experience. You will need to have the free Zoom app on your device and have it updated to the latest version.
Zoom has made some changes and we have to change with them. When you log into our Sunday worship service, you may be asked to agree to being recorded before being allowed to enter the service. This is a new Zoom feature that we cannot change. You will still not show up in our recordings unless you unmute yourself during the service. You can also turn off your video for added privacy. Our recordings only show the person talking/unmuted.
Problems with Zoom? You are in Zoom but can’t hear anything? You can hear but you can’t see? You can’t open the chat to get help? During Sunday services, you can call or text 815-669-0403 and a member of the tech team will try to help.
Use this link to join us on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 847 0286 6562 Passcode: 929464
This service was not recorded.
Topics: Difficult History, Holding History