Soul Matters at Tree of Life: Being a Community of Journey

Many birds, animals, and insects have journeys naturally built into their life cycles because of their migration patterns and human history is also full of journeying, with the travel for commerce, curiosity, adventure, hunting, and – like other animals – the migrations of survival.  It’s therefore fitting that the idea of “journey” has become a metaphor for our unfolding experience of life.

            We refer to efforts to live (grow) into our full self as being on a spiritual journey or, perhaps more aptly, a journey of the heart.  Like any other journey, a heart-journey can involve moving into unexplored areas (of the heart), leaving entanglements behind, and tossing baggage that weighs us down.   And being in community brings an awareness of how we sustain and are sustained by our fellow travelers – in which, such a journey with others summons us to act with kindness and care.  In our congregation we covenant to “journey as a family,” …. so how do we see ourselves doing that?

– What would you answer if someone asked you “Where are you going?” instead of “Where are you from?”   What might someone say if you asked them that same question? 

– Have you ever considered the obstacles in front of us may not be in the way of our lives, but instead are the things that make our lives?

      – Do you ever feel like you are called to help make others’ journeys possible?

The March Soul Matters packets offer materials to explore the meaning of “journey” – as we consider how we experience it in our lives and how it is a part of our experience in community.   We use this theme for worship and for faith formation in our RE program and chalice circles.  The Soul Matters resource packet can be accessed here If you need a printed copy, please feel free to take one from those available in the fellowship room or ask for a copy, if they have all been taken.   You might also like joining a chalice circle to share your insights and hear what others are saying – there are chalice circle flyers in the fellowship room with information about this program.

Wishing you joy in community,

M. E. Tanabe

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