Topic: Love

Begin Again in Love

June 16th is a combined worship service with both Tree of Life and Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregations, held at Tree of Life UUC at the special start time of 10:00am.  Join Chaplain Dave and our musical guests, Wailin’ Mahalias in this celebration of both renewal and beginnings.

In Full Bloom

Love and peace are in full bloom as we honor Julia Ward Howe’s Peace Day Proclamation and celebrate the century long UU ritual of the Flower Communion. Join us as we celebrate! 

Widening the Circle of Love

Join Chaplain Dave in exploring lessons on love and liberation from bell hooks, Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, the Revolutionary Love Project of Valarie Kaur, and our own UU call to liberating love.  

Love Speaks and Sings

Join us tonight for our inaugural 4th Friday Vesper Service as we celebrate how Love Speaks and Sings. We gather in the sanctuary to enjoy readings, poetry, music, and singing that reflect on dimensions of love. Afterwards, light refreshments will be served. If you would like to help with or take part in this or … Continue reading Love Speaks and Sings

Building Trust

It can be hard to trust another person. How do we build trust in our lives and our communities? After the service, we invite you to enjoy refreshments and conversation. 12:15-1:15pm we offer a newcomers session on UU History, Principles & Sources. Did you miss this service? You can watch the sermon here.