Topic: Native American Spirituality

Re-Member Service

As part of our Coming of Age program, a group of volunteers traveled to Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to work with the Re-member program to create beds, stairs, ramps, and outhouses and to skirt trailers to conserve heat in the harsh winters. Join us as we hear stories and share what we’ve learned!

Mitakuye Oyasin (Lakota prayer for “All My Relations”)

Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota Prayer that honors the sacredness of each person’s individual spiritual path, acknowledges the sacredness of all life (human, animal, plant, etc.) and creates an energy of awareness which strengthens not only the person who prays but the entire planet. Tricia Alexander shares from her personal experience on Pine Ridge Reservation and how it connected her more deeply to her own Assyrian Lineage.