From the moment we are born we enter a world of stories. As we grow we hear about our individual story, family stories that may go back several generations, the cultural and historical stories from the regions in which we are born and our faith stories that underpin much of all of these. We spend … Continue reading Life Maps
Jane Goodall once said, ” What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” This week, we reaffirm our own ability to make a difference in our world and reflect upon the difference we choose to make through our annual Fire Communion Ceremony, a ceremony for … Continue reading The Difference You Make: Fire Communion and Reflections on Faith
Tricia believes in living a life grounded in 3 simple steps: Being here now, counting our blessings and practicing gratitude – living on purpose AND responding moment to moment AS Harmonic Well BEings. Let’s start this new year together – by co-creating sacred space, remembering who we are. As is usual, Tricia will share some … Continue reading Beginning Again