Archives: Services

Making Room for Joy

In this holiday season, we are surrounded with reminders to express ” Joy” , often in neon lights and big capital letters.  However, joy is not always available on demand. How do we prepare space and room in our lives where joy can be present and invited?  Join Chaplain Dave, our Tree of Life Choir, … Continue reading Making Room for Joy

Wholeness and Healing

In offering her response to the election polarization and noise, the Sikh activist Valerie Kaur has said “We have to find a way to live together still. The only way we will birth a multiracial democracy is if we hold up a vision of a future that leaves no one behind, not even our worst … Continue reading Wholeness and Healing

From You I Receive, To You I Give

Generosity connects us to one another through both generous giving and generous receiving. A reimagined generosity, a spirit of reciprocity, changes and transforms us and may even help create a grace-filled world. Join Chaplain Dave, our combined Prairie Circle and Tree of Life congregations, and our shared choirs as we celebrate, learn, and grow together. … Continue reading From You I Receive, To You I Give

Lessons from Restoration Ecology

The field of restoration ecology provides intentional principles, practices, and processes for recovery, repair, and healing damaged and degraded ecosystems. Can we apply similar principles to human ecosystems, to our lives, and to our communities? Join Chaplain Dave and our Tree of Life community as we explore restoration and repair of our selves, our spirit, … Continue reading Lessons from Restoration Ecology

Repairing Our Tapestry

This week we are invited to explore what has been woven together to create a tapestry of who we are as individuals and community. Within this interconnectedness, adversity and conflict may occur, which may cause need for repair. Using the metaphor of a tapestry, let us consider: Where are the threads loose or stretched thin? … Continue reading Repairing Our Tapestry