Archives: Services

The sUUmer Solstice

We will celebrate with music, dancing, drumming, readings, fire and food outside our our grounds.

The Wisdom of Trees

Trees figure widely in the myths and spirituality of civilizations the world over, and they have lessons to teach us, if we will listen.

Weaving Our Lives

Join us virtually for the largest annual gathering of UUs in worship. Community viewing will be hosted by Chaplain Dave and held in-person at Tree of Life from Noon- 1:30pm, followed by informal fellowship. Feel free to bring a snack to share.

On-line viewing is available from the UUA website beginning Sunday June 23 at Noon or anytime afterwards: GA Sunday Worship. Please note there will be no multi-platform service at 10:45am on this day.

Begin Again in Love

June 16th is a combined worship service with both Tree of Life and Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregations, held at Tree of Life UUC at the special start time of 10:00am.  Join Chaplain Dave and our musical guests, Wailin’ Mahalias in this celebration of both renewal and beginnings.

Meet an Other with Love, Not Fear

We’ll explore the concept of Pluralism in the world, in the neighborhood, and in the self. Let’s consider how loving thoughts and actions lead to kind curiosity and compassionate coexistence.

In Full Bloom

Love and peace are in full bloom as we honor Julia Ward Howe’s Peace Day Proclamation and celebrate the century long UU ritual of the Flower Communion. Join us as we celebrate!