Water is Life
This ceremony represents how our time spent apart is now reconnected, as once again we pour ourselves into shared community. All are invited to bring water.
This ceremony represents how our time spent apart is now reconnected, as once again we pour ourselves into shared community. All are invited to bring water.
When people of shared values and dreams come together the result can be powerful and life-changing.
We’ll explore how to welcome feelings and stories –even painful ones –from others and ourselves.
Today, TOL members will share about the value they’ve found in listening to their lives, while sifting meaning from their experiences.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a Unitarian and an author, and his books are filled with UU themes.
We’ll use wildflowers and garden flowers to decorate our Flower Wheel in a unique form of Flower Communion, while celebrating the Circle of Life. A joyful worship with lots of music to celebrate community and Life. Plus a potluck picnic, magic show and ice cream social . Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.
What does it mean when we say, “We are magical creatures?” How does magic live in us and around us? Do you believe in magic? Join our service at 10:45am.
Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota Prayer that honors the sacredness of each person’s individual spiritual path, acknowledges the sacredness of all life (human, animal, plant, etc.) and creates an energy of awareness which strengthens not only the person who prays but the entire planet. Tricia Alexander shares from her personal experience on Pine Ridge Reservation and how it connected her more deeply to her own Assyrian Lineage.
We invite you to bring your furry, feathered, scaled, etc. friends to join our service. The service will be held indoors so please bring your well-behaved and leashed, crated, or caged pets. If it is more suitable or if you wish to honor a pet which has passed away, you may bring a photo and the photos will be displayed on a table in the sanctuary for the worship service.
What can we all do to make the world more beautiful?